
Unit 22 Level 3 Health and Social Care

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Unit 22...
Understanding the Context of Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities.

1.1 Identify Legislation and policies that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities. Human Rights Stereotyping labelling Discrimination Anti Discrimination Oppression Anti Oppression

Valuing people
Mental Capacity Act
Human Rights Act 2000. No Secrets – Guidance published by the Department of Health, builds upon the governments respects for human rights and highlights the need to protect vulnerable adults through effective multi-agency work. National Care Standards Commission, now the Commission for Social Care …show more content…

After birth or (post-natally) causes can occur because of illness, injury or environmental conditions, for example: Meningitis.....Brain injury......Malnutrition.

2.3 Describe the medical and social models of disabilities.
The medical model of disability views disabilities as a problem that belongs to the disabled person. It is not seen as a problem that needs the concern of anyone else apart from the disabled individual affected, for example if a wheelchair user is unable to get into a building because there are steps then, the wheelchair is seen as the problem not the steps, according to the medical model.
The social model suggests that it is the steps that are the issue not the wheelchair, as it is the steps which are disabling the person access, which is seen as a barrier. This model suggests that it is society disabling people through designing everything to meet the needs of the majority of people, who are not disabled. The social model believe that there is a great deal that society can do to reduce and ultimately remove, some of the barriers. This task is the responsibility of society rather then the person, as far as is reasonably practical – which by if it is a big organisation and it is financially possible and financially beneficial, then it would make sense to adapt and make provisions for disabled people to have access for example, wider doors,

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