
Personal Narrative: Maintaining A Spinal Cord Injury

Decent Essays

If I were to sustain a spinal cord injury otherwise known as SCI, limiting my mobility to a wheelchair, I would have to reconsider both my living situation, where my family lives, and assistance with daily activities. I would think about how difficult it would be to roll up hill towards the Media and Arts dorm and how I would be forced to use the back entrance rather than the front. I would think about the frustrations and difficulty in getting transportation off campus to my Internship in Midtown. Or the small dirt roads and the new car my parents might have to get to haul me and my wheelchair back to our home. I would be forced to choose a better living situation that was more inclusive for individuals with disabilities and I would hire someone to assist me in activities of daily living. While the biggest challenge might be adapting to my newfound disability it would also be dealing with the social categorization and stigma that comes with using …show more content…

For example in the article, “Rethinking Disability and What To Do About It: Disability Studies and Its Implications for Occupational Therapy” by Gark Kielhofner, discusses rehabilitation medicine and the natural assumption of disability as ‘out of the norm’. While there is a fine line between wanting to better life activities and wanting to eliminate an impairment that might not be realistically possible. It is important that doctors do not demonstrate the medical model of looking at a disability as completely adverse side effects to a larger problem but rather as a culture as well. As someone with an SCI, I would want to be aware if realistically there could be improvements. Because if not I would not want to waste time doing the activities. I would also want to be aware of new technologies that may help in my mobility and daily life

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