
Poverty In America

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Do you know the number of people affected by poverty throughout the world is staggering? Poverty occurs when a person’s need for food, clothing and shelter are not being met. But every government in the world sets standards for minimum income levels within their country to allow residents to live at a certain level of comfort.When resident do not meet that requirement, they are living below the poverty level. This type of poverty is at an epidemic level and you may be surprised to know people can be living in poverty without their neighbors, friends, and family completely unaware.Poverty does not discriminate; it affects every country in the world from third world countries to strong economic countries like the United States, poverty runs rampant. …show more content…

(Congressional Digest 299) Clearly, poverty is a problem across the
United States that appears to affect some races and regions more so than others.
The society that we live in allows the horrible issue of poverty to continue and allow it to hurt women, children, and men in the country. With growing economies poverty should becoming less of an issue, yet this is not the case for most countries worldwide. The poverty line

7 set forth by the American government does not allow for the full scale of the problem to be recognized by the line the government set. The amount of poverty in America is liked to what political party holds the most power in the government. For example, if the Democratic party holds power, actions are usually carried out to counteract poverty, but if the Republican party holds power actions are usually carried out to not do anything for poverty. Poverty is worldwide and affects everyone no matter the race, sex, or religion of the person. Societies allow for poverty to exist within them especially in the U.S, the guidelines set by the United States of
America government do not begin to cover the full scale of poverty, and poverty affects people the same no matter their race, sex, or

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