CALCULUS:SINGLE+MULTIVAR.-ACCESS PKG - 7th Edition - by Hughes-Hallett - ISBN 9781119661030

7th Edition
Publisher: WILEY
ISBN: 9781119661030


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Chapter 1.10 - Optional Preview Of The Formal Definition Of A LimitChapter 2 - Key Concept: The DerivativeChapter 2.1 - How Do We Measure Speed?Chapter 2.2 - The Derivative At A PointChapter 2.3 - The Derivative FunctionChapter 2.4 - Interpretations Of The DerivativeChapter 2.5 - The Second DerivativeChapter 2.6 - DifferentiabilityChapter 3 - Short-cuts To DifferentiationChapter 3.1 - Powers And PolynomialsChapter 3.2 - The Exponential FunctionChapter 3.3 - The Product And Quotient RulesChapter 3.4 - The Chain RuleChapter 3.5 - The Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 3.6 - The Chain Rule And Inverse FunctionsChapter 3.7 - Implicit FunctionsChapter 3.8 - Hyperbolic FunctionsChapter 3.9 - Linear Approximation And The DerivativeChapter 3.10 - Theorems About Differentiable FunctionsChapter 4 - Using The DerivativeChapter 4.1 - Using First And Second DerivativesChapter 4.2 - OptimizationChapter 4.3 - Optimization And ModelingChapter 4.4 - Families Of Functions And ModelingChapter 4.5 - Applications To MarginalityChapter 4.6 - Rates And Related RatesChapter 4.7 - L’hopital’s Rule, Growth, And DominanceChapter 4.8 - Parametric EquationsChapter 5.1 - How Do We Measure Distance Traveled?Chapter 8.1 - Areas And VolumesChapter 10.2 - Taylor SeriesChapter 10.3 - Finding And Using Taylor SeriesChapter 13.2 - Vectors In GeneralChapter 14.1 - The Partial DerivativeChapter 14.2 - Computing Partial Derivatives AlgebraicallyChapter 14.3 - Local Linearity And The DifferentialChapter 14.4 - Gradients And Directional Derivatives In The PlaneChapter 18.1 - The Idea Of A Line IntegralChapter 20.1 - The Curl Of A Vector FieldChapter 21 - Parameters, Coordinates, And Integrals

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