
Why Is Concussions Important In Sports

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Concussions affect many athletes, whether they are students or professionals. They also affect families, coaches, managers, and even fans. It is an injury with many impactful consequences, and needs to have firm regulations in order to promote the safety and wellbeing of players involved in any sport. Concussion regulations are necessary because injuries can be long lasting, symptoms are hard to identify, and regulations will help coaches and managers keep their players safe. First, concussions are harmful and can have long lasting repercussions. The effects of traumatic brain injury can be lifelong or even fatal - which is why regulations are extremely important for the player’s health. “Damage to the brain caused by concussion[s] can last …show more content…

This may be linked to the belief that being knocked out or unconscious signifies a concussion that is liable to be diagnosed. Meloni Lyon, who is the president of the Brain Injury Association of Alberta, explains that the symptoms of a concussion aren’t always easily noticed. “ ‘In fact, any hit to the head can lead to a concussion, you just have to be aware of the symptoms… “Since you can’t see a concussion often these kids will continue to play, thinking it was just a bump on the head. That can have a catastrophic outcome’ “ (Aldrich 1). A research study conducted by Purdue University examined the brains of high school football players. They compared the changes of brains that had been affected by concussions and brains that hadn’t been. Surprisingly, both brains showed an amount of tissue damage (Nader and Reed 1). This further supports the idea for firm concussion regulations, through the fact that concussion symptoms are not always easily recognizable. Many concussions are never diagnosed because their symptoms are so mediocre and unnoticed. However, it is dangerous because concussions can be serious and require medical attention (Reinberg 1). If a player goes back into their game, unknowing of a possible concussion because the symptoms are hidden, the aftereffects can be life

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