
Why Is A Just War Bad

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Is there such a thing as a just war? Some people will say no. They say that every war is bad. But, I say that a war fought for the right reasons is perfectly fine. War may be a terrible thing, but war is necessary for safety. In a fallen world, everyone is sinful. Since everyone is sinful, you need to protect yourself, and war is the only way. War is the only war to protect good people from sinful people. Sinful people won’t care about the other person, so there will always be war. But, there is a way to fight a good war, a just war. There is a just war because of the definition of a just war, all the good things that come from war, and the fact that the bible tells us about just war.
A just war is war fought for a good cause (“What is a Just War?”). An example of a good cause would be, getting attacked or knowledge of a coming attack (“Principle of a just war.”). War must also be the last resort, the countries must have tries to resolve their conflict every other war first (“What is a Just War?”). Another …show more content…

But, it is also a very necessary thing. War is a result of sin, and in our fallen world, we have more than enough sin to go around. Not all war is a bad thing, however. A just war is a war fought for a good reason. A just war is the best possible war that could happen. While it is still traumatic and terrible, a just war has a purpose and shouldn’t be as deadly or expensive as an unjust war. Also, war has multiple benefits that make it worth fighting. People back home receive a better economy and more jobs. And even the bible allows for war. God uses wars to stop sinful people from hurting the innocent. God even allows for governments to use war at their disposal, as long as it is just. War is awful, but it is not going away. So, we have to work with what we have. You can not say all wars are bad, you have to deal with the fact that they exist. A just war is possible, because a war fought for a good purpose, is a war worth

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