
The Political, Social, and Economic Changes Following 9/11 Essay examples

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On September 11 2001, an attack was made on United States. Four systematic terrorist attacks were pulled off by the group al-Qaeda simultaneously bringing down the World Trade Centre in New York and damaging the Pentagon in Washington D.C. As extensive and in depth as the cause for the attack may have been, September 11 is an event that has undoubtedly left its mark in American history. A turning point, as some would call it, of the political, social, and economic systems of the United States. Quickly following the terrorist attack on 9/11, President George W. Bush called for a “war against terrorism.” Instead, what truly occurred was an act of counter terrorism. After 9/11, the political system of America took a turn for the worst; …show more content…

Each country suffered losses; the damage done affected the United States just as much as it was intended to affect Afghanistan and Iraq. Due to the sustained hostility and additional losses, not only was America at war with another country, they were also at war with themselves. Conflict arose within the nation between its citizens and their government; those that were not at war struggled with their government breaching the laws that protected them and their rights (Zinn, 2007). On October 26, 2001 President Bush passed the Patriot Act which essentially allowed the Department of Justice to hold people, in most cases noncitizens, on nothing more than the grounds of suspicion (Zinn, 2007). Tellingly, this act was abused and many people were unsafe in the country that once offered democracy, freedom, and protection. There was nothing rational about the interrogations or trials that occurred following the Patriot Act, it was all very intentionally selective. Many immigrants, Muslims in particular, were immediately suspected of terrorism or terrorist connections and were detained for months regardless of the lack of evidence found (Warren, 2011). Although several people had dared to speak out against the unjust manner of the act, their voices went unheard and many of those who publicly questioned and criticized Bush were called for interrogation regardless of their citizenship (Zinn, 2007). Not

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