
Market Revolution Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Market Revolution in the United States originated in the South and then in the north, which was a immense change in the system of how the laborers worked. The common trade started to become outdated due to the new discoveries of transportation. The North began to gain a more powerful economy as a result of the Market Revolution. The Market Revolution changed farming to become more large-scale farming with cash. The farmers would use the cash to buy other necessary items. Immigration and the growing cities were a result of the Market Revolution. With the growth of large-scale domestic manufacturing, trade within the United States increased and dependence on foreign imports declined. The dependence on the foreign imports decreased due to …show more content…

The slaves would have had to hand pick the cotton fibers from their seeds, but the cotton gin machine separated the fibers for them. The farmers in the South tried growing cotton, but realized that having the slaves pick cotton took them a whole day to separate the fibers from the seeds so the farmers decided to stick to growing rice and tobacco. The cotton gin helped the slaves harvest fifty pounds of cotton in one day.The cotton gin increased slavery because the companies needed workers to operate the machines so the government banned slavery in the Northwest Territory. Also, there was a constitutional permanent ban on slave …show more content…

The industrialization in the United States helped improve working conditions for laborers by creating machines that would aid the workers to get the job done faster. The machines allowed more cotton and other goods to be produced faster, which benefited the owner of the company because the more goods the have the more money they would make. A downfall while working in the factories during the summer and winter were that people would get sick from either working in extremely warm or frigidly cold climates. Some workers in the workplace had their hands and fingers severed when they got caught in the machines during their shifts. The workers who survived their limbs or entire bodies being smashed most likely lost their jobs and income as well as not able to support their families

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