
Summary Of The Kingdom Of Matthias

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The book, The Kingdom of Matthias by, Paul E. Johnson and Sean Wilentz, gives us a look into what life was like in the United States during the first half of the 1800’s. This book contains stories of Elijah Pierson and Robert Matthews and how they eventually came to meet. Both thought they were prophets and could speak directly to God. Pierson later referred to himself as the Prophet Elijah of Tishbe and Matthews later took the name Matthias the Prophet. The book begins with Elijah Pierson’s story and then moves into Robert Matthews story. It explains how they came to be who they are and who they thought they were. The book then deals with Matthews and Pierson crossing paths, how they came to know each other, the downfall of the “kingdom”, …show more content…

The Market Revolution took place during the early 19th century which made it easier for people to exchange their goods, with not only their neighbors, but with complete strangers from completely different parts of the country. The Market Revolution is an expansion of the market place in America with the construction of new roads, canals, and railroads to connect, otherwise, opposite communities together. The Market Revolution all started with the building of the Erie canal in New York. It made it easier to import goods and it was a faster source of transportation. The Market Revolution opened new opportunities to farmers and poor people. Elijah Pierson was one of those people. He hoped to find fortune and success in his move the New York. Elijah’s trek to New York was not at all uncommon during this time period. “During the 19th century thousands of country boys made the trek form New England and the rural states hoping to earn their fortunes in the nation’s fastest growing seaports.” (18) While in New York, Pierson and his partner, John Stenbrenner, opened their own mercantile firm off of Pearl Street. This shows how the economic growth brought new opportunity and sometimes better opportunities to people trying to find their dream of wealth and fortune during the Second Great

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