
Market Revolution Dbq Essay

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The market revolution was a major milestone during the Antebellum Era. This revolution took the economy and flipped it upside down. It took the jobs that people normally did at their homes, and put them into more industrial and manufacturing factories. On the flip side of that, the Second Great Awakening was more of a religious movement of the Baptist and Methodist religions. This movement had a large impact on the women’s place in the world. The Antebellum Market Revolution gave a way for women to find a place to either work for the family or work for a factory, while the Second Great Awakening gave women a chance to change after the social reforms of the time. Although new factories opened up, many factories did not open jobs to women quite yet. Because of this, women had to stay at home with the children and do household jobs around their home. …show more content…

The next piece of evidence that shows the Antebellum Market Revolution support the Cult of Domesticity. This was when women would stay home and teach their children the ways of the world to make them grow up with good morals. In a painting “The Happy Mother” by Sarony and Major, it depicts a mother caring for her daughters in a yard. (Document G) By having the women stay at home, this gave way for a educated and new type of new generation to arise in the United States. Whatever the women taught the new children that she had, was in the mother’s control. This is a way in which women had almost full control of society leading up to these generations. Women finally

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