
Lab Report On Hand Washing

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Lab Report #1: Hand washing ---- is it worth it?
This experiment illustrates the importance of handwashing and proves that hand washing is worth it. Since our hands are constantly coming into contact with ourselves and others, touching surfaces, grabbing objects, being sneezed into, etc., keeping our hands clean is one of the most effective, yet simple way we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running warm water. “The human skin is a host to anywhere between 10,000-10,000,000 bacteria per square centimeter and since health care providers come into contact with pathogenic bacteria by being engaged in patient care, hand washing can reduce the risk of spreading diseases (page 3).” The objective of the experiment is to test the effectiveness of hand washing and demonstrate normal flora. This report presents the procedures and materials for the experiment, the experiment's results, and an analysis of those results.
Exercise #1
Materials Needed:
A Nutrient Agar Petri Plate
Sharpie Marker
Fingers and/or Thumb filled with bacteria
Paper Towels
Incubator rack marked 37C
In the beginning of lab, we were advised to obtain a nutrient agar petri plate, which is used for the cultivation of microbes supporting growth of non-fastidious organisms. Since it contains many nutrients, a wide variety of bacteria and fungi can grow. Taking the plate,

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