
Just War Theory Analysis

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Our world in the last century alone has been involved in hundreds of different conflicts. We are almost constantly in some sort of war fighting over disagreements and resources. Countries fight for many reasons of disagreement yet we don't consider if their wars are justifiable. The Just war theory developed by Saint Augustine and revised later in the fifteenth century by Saint Thomas Aquinas deals with this justification of how and why wars are fought. In the modern century, more than ever, the western world including the United States has dealt with wars in their interest that we can debate and analyze if they are justifiable. Today the just war theory is as relevant in modern times as it was when developed in the fifth century.
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The war you conduct is always evil yet you may sometimes have to conduct it. You have to weigh the evils of war against the good and peace that would be gained from conducting the war. Unlike in jus ad Bellum in jus in Bello, this proportionality must be weighed not on the whole of the war but on each act or event. If the act you perform is much more evil than the likely good that will come out of it then it is disproportionate and not just.
Our rules of conduct in war are necessary to keep a just war. The reasons to go to war can be just but if not acted correctly while in it the war conducted can then be unjust. These rules for both conditions of going to war and conducting must be all met so the war can be considered just. These conditions must always be kept in mind just like today's conflicts it can become hazy in the eyes of people if the war is justifiable.
The just war theory is a complex idea and is interpreted and changed many times over thousands of years. Not only has this idea changed but the way we conduct war and the technologies we use to change the landscapes of war. We need to examine these conditions and doctrines set forth from thinkers of the past to compare and justify our current wars. These although made during medieval times still be examined through twentieth-century conflicts and even modern day …show more content…

The war dealt with many morally issues that would be fitting to be examined by just war theory and the two criteria of jus ad bellum and jus in bellum. The war, on the whole, is debated if were justified in going in Vietnam itself while also soldier's actions while in the wars often looked upon and debated. In nineteen forty-five Vietnam declared its independence from French control. It began fighting and winning in many areas against the french by nineteen fifty the United states asked by the French began loaning help to the French to keep control of Vietnam. It gave mostly financial support but when in 1961 the north Vietnamese began to grow stronger and the United States feared the spread of communism it deployed thousands of troops between 1961 and 1964. The goal was to stop the unification of the country under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh, who was a

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