
Impact Of The Market Revolution On The Northwest And Midwest

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The impact of the Market Revolution on the Northwest and Midwest can be seen through the movement of people to northern urban areas to work in factories, the increase of wheat production in the Midwest due to technology improvements, and the beginning of an independent national economy. The Market Revolution describes the transformation that occurred in America during the first half of the nineteenth century. At this time people were enslaved. Upper-class gained financial wealth from the new technology. Leaving the middle-class and slaves to suffer horribly. Between the Civil War and the Revolutionary War, an old-subsistence world died out and a new more commercial nation was born. Religion also took over during this period, effecting mainly the middle-class society. Religion and new technology was the new era. THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE Throughout the colonial era religion played a significant role in the American lifestyle. Around 1790 religious revivals instilled values of protestant Christianity deep in the national character and gave a spiritual dimension to American republicanism. These revivals were important and made …show more content…

The northerners approved James Madison resolution that “Congress have no authority to interfere in the emancipation of slaves, or in the treatment of them within any states.” (Edwards, 2006) In 1808 congress outlawed the Atlantic slave trade, northern representatives came together and demanded an end to the trade of slaves between states. Southern leaders responded to the northerners with a forceful defense on their labor system. The south felt as if there was nothing wrong with slavery. The southern national government would continue to protect slavery. American diplomats demanded compensation for the slaves that had been freed during the war of 1812. Congress enacted legislation, upholding slavery in the District of

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