
Didion On Critical Thinking

Decent Essays

Klooster: Independent thinking is one of the many key words the author uses. By Independent thinking the author means that each person forms his or her own ideas. That however does not mean that they cannot agree with someone else but that they have the ability to choose whether or not they do. A passage in the text that I found interesting is when the author finally states the fifth form of critically thinking, which is social thinking. I found this passage important because the author is write. Critically thinking is influenced by those around us because they challenge not only our norms but our ideas. Whether we notice if we are thinking critically or not. The passage where the author states the fourth form of critical thinking, which is seeking reasoned arguments. For critically thinking one has to defend a claim or point out why they believe such claim is correct or better and by doing do they need evidence. So while we might all be entitled to our opinion we should research why we believe a certain thing is superior than another thing. Didion: The overall purpose of Didion’s essay is to show you her writing process. Which is that something so vague like a picture or a memory can create a whole novel. She explains that writing might not always be easy but that if it is your passion, it is worth it. A striking passage is where Didion …show more content…

Dillard states, “ Is this what we live for? Is the final beauty: the color of any skiing in any light, and living, human eyes? Would you be a writer, you can’t be anything else?” The nature of a writer is that of like the burning moth, for the beauty of it is not seen until the writer has finished his story like that of the moth whose beauty is not seen until the fire has ignited its body and all that is left is its

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