
Concussions And Its Effects On Society Essay

Decent Essays

Sports injuries are often thought of as being physically visible as soon as they happen. Many of these injuries are imagined to be bloody wounds, broken bones, or torn ligaments. Since injuries like the ones mentioned beforehand are visible with the naked eye, they are treated immediately and are not taken lightly. Concussions, on the other hand, are head injuries that cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is what makes concussions more frequent and dangerous to athletes. Concussions are “traumatically induced physiological disruption of brain function that can be caused by either a direct blow to the head or by indirect forces transmitted to the head” (Johnson 181). The symptoms of a concussion include, but are not limited to, headache, dizziness, loss of balance, and blurred vision (McCrea, Hammeke, Olsen, Leo, and Guskiewicz 15). Some patients may not experience any symptoms. Concussions cannot be diagnosed without extensive medical procedures so they are often overlooked. The effects of concussions are often mentally and physiological rather than physical. According to Dr, Syd Johnson, “concussions can result in deficits in attention and concentration, reaction time, processing speed and memory, and executive function” (Johnson 181).
Although there are many ways that athletes, coaches, parents, and medical professionals can improve the conditions of head injuries, they have not been proactive about it. The problem of concussions and the underreporting of the condition

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