
Academic Purpose

Decent Essays

My Purpose Paper
My children are my overall purpose that reflect all aspects of me including career, academics, and everyday life. My academic purpose is to achieve and maintain high grades with undivided focus to be able to be the role model my children need, and to influence them in a positive way on the importance of education. My career purpose is to be in an Executive office position that I know I will enjoy and that will also provide stability as well as the assurance of accommodating adequately for my family. My personal purpose is to remain humble, optimistic, and keep a positive attitude towards any obstacle I may face. I decided on these important purposes to ensure the happiness and well-being of my most important purpose in life and my most prized value, my children, as well as a joyous and prosperous life for myself.
During my values assessment, Achievement was scored highest. This means I would best fit in a position where I can see daily results of my …show more content…

In keeping this value, I am able to continue having high standards for myself and pushing towards successful completion. My personal values are made up of honesty, hard work, and being an optimistic as well as striving to be the best parent and spouse I can be. In these values, I find being a positive role model is best to set an example to my young children in what is right and what is wrong. My career values would be expressed by job security, teamwork, structure, informative, challenging, authority, and a place where I can grow within a company as well as personally. I also want to be passionate in what I do while earning a decent salary. These values will contribute towards my purpose because in having these standards, I can create an opportunity to raise my children to be the best they can be all while making sure they are never in need and are

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