Dragons assignment for Winter 2023(1)



Seneca College *

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Feb 20, 2024





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BAM101- Assignment # 2: Dragons’ Den – Season 17 Episode 7 (Entrepreneurship) BAM101 For this assignment you must watch Season 17 Episode 7 of the CBC show “Dragons’ Den”. This show has been airing on regular TV on CBC Thursdays at 8:00 PM. Link to be used to access Dragons’ Den: https://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/episodes/season-17/ There are five “pitches”/presentations in the Episode. Please take your time and watch all 5 presentations and then choose the one you like. You will have to watch it a few times to truly get all the information you need. (Take notes) After watching the presentation, answer the questions listed below. HOWEVER, BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: Clearly answer all questions in grammatically correct sentences with no spelling errors (you will lose marks for incorrect spelling/grammar). I would strongly suggest you prepare all your answers first in a Word Document, and then, when you are ready (and before the due date), open the test and copy and paste your answers into the appropriate text boxes for each question. Be sure that you have all you need, including a working computer, etc. before accessing the test (part 2 of this assignment) since you are only allowed to access the test once, and then you are only given one hour (1 hr.) to complete this task. Dragons’ Den Assignment for Winter 2023 Page 1 of 6 2/18/2024 21:26 a2/p2
This assignment must be done individually. Do not share your work with anyone – this is considered plagiarism . If students are found to be in contravention of Seneca’s Academic Policy, they will be so advised and written up in accordance with the Academic Policy. My ESL students must write their assignment (answers, etc.) in English. They must not write it in another language and then use a translation device to translate it into English . PLAGIARISM WARNING PLEASE NOTE THAT t his assignment/test is meant to be an individual effort to assess each student's comprehension of the course material and ability to apply the knowledge. Students must complete this assignment/test individually, solely on his or her own, without help from anyone else. If students are caught collaborating on Assignments/tests, mid-terms, and finals, they will be in violation of Seneca's Academic Policy and dealt with accordingly. External sources – do not use sources such as Wikipediae, etc. Just use credible sources such as the CBS source, your text, videos loaded under the lessons, etc. All sources must be cited in your answer to Question 6 , using the MLA citation guide. If you copy and paste concepts directly from any source, to support your answer, you must use In-Text citation . In giving your reasons and explanations, you must use your own words. In essence you are to use your own words when applying theory to the questions asked. QUESTIONS (Part 1) 1. What is/are the name(s) of the presenters and the name of the presentation (product or service)? - Presenter: Xenia Chen, Founder from Toronto Ontario - Product: Threads leggings (2 marks) 2. Using the information provided to you in the segment, give a detailed description , of the product / idea/service that is being pitched (presented) by the entrepreneur(s) to the Dragons . - Threads is a modern brand of hoserie and thights. Designed using feedback of hundreds of people. The company introduced flytights which includes a cotton pouch which makes them the first tights company to market to men. (3 marks) Dragons’ Den Assignment for Winter 2023 Page 2 of 6 2/18/2024 21:26 a2/p2
3. Did the Dragons agree or disagree that the product/idea/service is viable and can be a success? If they believe it can be successful, give two reasons they gave, if they believe it would not be successful at this time, give two reasons they gave. Please give the name(s) who agreed or disagreed. - Manjit disagreed because she needs a sharper business plan - Robert believed in the business because the owner is really good. And risked it because of zenia (6 marks) 4. What information do the Dragons want/request from the entrepreneur(s) before offering to invest in the entrepreneur‘s business? (Again, provide the details! What were the questions the Dragons asked? Do not answer this question with a generic answer. Again, number your answers in a vertical fashion. -they asked about the value of the company and its revenue - they also asked what are her plans for the company and what she sees in the next five years. And how she is going to achieve it - the dragons asked about the demand for men since she claims that most of her sales come from men during the pandemic - they asked her what she will be doing with 100k -they asked about her background (3 marks) 5. If a deal was made in the presentation you, who made the deal and what were the terms of the deal? (3 marks) - Robert agreed to her original offer of 100k for 10% of the business in the last minute. 6. Name and explain what each Dragon brings to the table, their expertise. (For example, Manjit Minas brings her expertise in marketing). There are six Dragons in the Den. Please do not give me one link for all Dragons. The in-text citation or link must come below their name and expertise. 7. – Wes Hall Dragons’ Den Assignment for Winter 2023 Page 3 of 6 2/18/2024 21:26 a2/p2
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