
Why Is It Important To Judge A Fish

Decent Essays

Albert Einstein once said “everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its life believing that it is stupid”. Today’s modern school system not only makes fish climb trees but they make them climb down and do a ten-mile run. Do they really think its ok to turn millions of people into robots? Do they really realize how many kids relate to that fish? Swimming upstream in class never finding their gifts, thinking that they are stupid, believing they are useless. There is no excuse that the school system should be making kids feel like that fish. They are killing creativity and making people feel like they are useless so they never truly find the gifts that they have.

In literally over a century NOTHING HAS CHANGED yet they claim to prepare students for the future, but after …show more content…

THE WORLD HAS PROGRESSED! We need people in this world who think creativly, inovatively, independently and criticaly with the ablitlty to connect to one another. Every scientist will tell you that no two brains are the same. So why should they trick students and make them feel like a fish and tell it to climb a tree. It’s just like if a doctor proscribed the exact same medicine to everyone the results would end up being tragic all of his patients would get sick. Yet when it comes to school that is exactly what happens its educational malpractice. Its where one teacher stands infront of about 20 kids and every kid has different strengths, different weaknesses, different dreams, and different gifts. Yet they teach the same thing to every kid. THATS HORRIFIC! It’s a shame to teaches have the most important jobs on the plannet yet their underpaid. No wonder so many students are short changed. Honestly a teacher should be paid as much as a doctor because a doctor can do heart sugery and that doctor can save the life of a kid, but a teacher can reach into that kids heart and truly allow that kid to truly live to that kids fullest potential. Teachers

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