
What are Marketing Ethics?

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Definition of Marketing Ethics
Marketing Ethics are the basic principles and values that govern the business practices of those engaged in promoting products or services to consumers. These are a set of criterion by which moral principles are considered within the marketing profession and execution of an advertising campaign for a business and/or organization.
Marketing Ethics in Global Marketing Practice
In recent years, owing to the internationalization of markets, businesses and production processes, more and more marketers and entrepreneurs have to deal with ethics and social responsibility issues in cross-cultural settings. Growth in globalization increased the ethical and social responsibility of corporations across the world. Huge …show more content…

Both the articles discuss the case of Hawaiian tourism from this point-of-view. To promote tourism in Hawaii, the Hawaiian life-style has been stereotyped as a vacation paradise with picturesque hills and warm waters for bathing. The ethnic Polynesian population of Hawaii is shown (on hoardings, music album-art, Hollywood movies etc.) to be leading an idyllic life which is different from the one led by the targeted Euro-American population. The articles claim that this leads to an erasure of identity of the local culture and imposes the dominant cultural view on it. Also, this representation may not be true to the existing cultural realities. The articles suggest that marketers should avoid using such “exotic other” portrayal of minority cultures.
Ironically, this assessment of the Hawaiian image to be an “exotic other” is also from an ‘outsider’s’ point of view. The critics of the message belong to the same group that is sending out (and receiving) the message. The opinion of the community that is being stereo-typed (i.e. the local Hawaiian population) has not been sought by either group. If the authors of the articles could find out how much does the opinion of the

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