
What Is Knowledge? : Nature Of Belief, Justification And Truth Essay

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The topic, “What is knowledge?” can be taken many ways. Knowledge is a justified belief, one that is different opinion. Knowledge is the basis to which beliefs are known, whereas an opinion is a belief which is not known. Unit III A focuses on the etymology of the word knowledge which is defined as the study of epistemology. Philosophy finds its “true beginning” from the study of epistemology. To have knowledge means to find an equal ground between true beliefs and justified beliefs. For the basis of this paper, the three sub topics of the logos knowledge, which are the nature of belief, justification and truth, will be discussed further into detail. These are considered the criteria/rules for the concept of knowledge.
The first sub-branch is the nature of belief. Philosophy is all about finding answers to our questions about the world and of our existence. How does a belief qualify as knowledge? When we believe in something, we take it to be regarded as true. A belief is a well-formed sentence in a given language complete thought. A belief states something to be taken for its worth. There are three possible outcomes at this point which are either to affirm, deny or withhold, meaning one does not take one side or the other. The concept of belief is based on the individual; it’s what that person takes something to be true and valuable to them. Whether or not there be empirical evidence, a belief is formed from the individual’s acceptance of a concept. Believing out of a

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