
Essay on Violent Video Games

Decent Essays

Playing video games does not cause violent behavior. Don’t get me wrong, some video games show horrific acts of violence. “A recent survey found that 92 percent of U.S. kids--ages 2 to 17--play video games, and their parents bought 225 million of them last year to the tune of $6.4 billion.” (Sider 79).What’s here to argue is that violent video games do not cause violence among children, but the blame for violence should be on the individual and people who should have taught the individual better. If kids are not able to see the difference between reality and fantasy, then they really can’t be blamed for committing acts they see in a game and then imitating, not fully understanding the consequences of doing it in the real world. …show more content…

People hear these arguments, but what they don’t hear is that Harris and Klebold had many personal problems, such as being harassed at school, neglected by parents, and family problems. These problems could have easily given them a warped view on fantasy and reality, and are usually completely overlooked by many people. This example and many more are the fuel for such organizations as MAVAV (Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence), “While video game companies continue to market violence aimed at vulnerable children and young teens. And the newest absurdity, underground video game cultures which takes gaming to another level, tainted with online "clans", singling out of people, hatred, racism, and sexism.” These groups seek a more governmental control of video games. “Video games are the topic on the surface… a convenient scapegoat for people who do not want to probe deeper into the problem of where the "ambition to kill" come from.” (Zarozinski). It’s easy to read something in the news and take in only what they tell you, but before you go forming extreme views on this subject make sure you know some background facts on those certain cases supporting your arguments. Violent video games are not the problem with certain cases of youth violence today, but more of the individual being the result. “All work and no play make people dull”. Video

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