
Tylenol Murders

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The Mystery of 1982 About one-third of crime since 1980 have still to this day not been solved in America. One of these crimes is the Tylenol murders. These murders killed seven people because a mystery person contaminated capsules of extra-strength Tylenol. These well-known murders have still not been solved. The mystery behind the Tylenol murders can be summed up into two theories that James W. Lewis did the crime or that Roger Arnold did. For instance, the deadly Tylenol murders killed many and still to this day have not been solved. Some details continue to be the same for every story about these murders: September of 1982, Tylenol was recalled from every shelf in the Chicago area after seven people died from taking extra-strength tylenol. …show more content…

Lewis was responsible for these murders. While figuring out the suspects for these murders Investigators state that, “In October 1982 Robert Richardson sent a letter to Johnson and Johnson, demanding $100,000 in exchange for him to stop the killings” ( Adame 1). Being side tracked by the letter demanding one million dollars, detectives discovered that James W. Lewis, a con artist already wanted for previous crimes, wrote this letter (Newton 4). Considering that Lewis wanted cash to stop the killings, it is obvious why almost everyone believes that he did the killings. After all, In December of 1982, James Lewis and his wife were found hiding in New York, a few days after being caught, his wife surrendered to the FBI (Adame 1). With much evidence and previous crimes, it is understood why many people believe Lewis did the …show more content…

“Tylenol Murders (1982).” Crimes of the Centuries: Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History, edited by Steven Chermak and Frankie Y. Bailey, vol. 3, ABC-CLIO, 2016, pp. 806-808. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 30 Jan. 2018.
Barclay, Shelly. “ The Chicago Tylenol Murders.”, net-interceptions,29 June, 1982,
"BREAK IN TYLENOL MURDERS - 'DNA' IN '82 POISONINGS." New York Post [New York, NY], 9 Jan. 2010, p. 16. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 2 Feb. 2018.
"Cyanide-Laced Tylenol Kills Seven People, September, 1982." Historic U.S. Events, Gale, 2012. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 7 Feb. 2018.
Malcolm, Andrew H. "3 YEARS LATER, ILLINOIS IS STILL TRYING TO SOLVE TYLENOL DEATHS." New York Times, 21 Feb. 1986. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 7 Feb.

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