
Transfer Support System Analysis

Decent Essays

A transfer support system is critical to measuring the effects of training. Since I am a teacher, measuring the effects of training on students and teachers plays a very important role in my life. This year I pre-assessed all of my students before each unit of study. I used the data from the pre-assessments to determine their level of knowledge about the unit of study. By using the pre-assessment data I was able to write individualized instructional objectives for each of my students. I believe this enhanced my understanding of how diverse my classroom is and how it is very important to evaluate each student individually. This provides support to design well-designed lesson plans and assessment. This year I wanted to incorporate higher …show more content…

Educators and leaders need to be actively engaged, they need to be taught skills they can use, and they need to be the ones that do the work in the workshop. It is critical for participants to be able to do the professional development objective, not just to know it. If the professional development or leadership training is too broad it will be meaningless. This training needs to be specific and short then it will be lasting and meaningful. It is important not to lose the participant's focused attention. Participants need to identify with key parts of the professional development or leadership training, so sharing with partners can be followed up by group sharing. Scaffold questions can be asked with participants guided to right answers instead of providing the answer to the participants. Participants need to be given the time to practice and apply their learning. Role playing or modifying lesson plans is always a good way to practice. Participants always need to be given time to reflect on what they have learned in some sort of exercise like sharing or journal writing. Leaders want the professional development to stick in the participant's memory and reflection is a way to achieve this. . The teachers then need to be actively engaged, they need to be taught skills they can use, and they need to be the ones that do the work in …show more content…

It is important to enact changes that benefit the individuals because they are key elements to a successful business. As with any change that takes place, employees will often resist these changes because of fear of the unknown, skill obsolescence, threats to power, and just resisting change of any sort (Lunenburg& Ornstein 2012) . Management should improve the work environment, and this is a continuous process that is not successful if it is done for a small amount of time. The new ideals and practices should become part of the culture of the organization. No matter how superb the instruction or learning experiences, unless new knowledge and skills are transferred to and used on the job, they are nothing more than learning scrap (Jefferson,

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