
Theme Of Courage In The Things They Carried

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In the novel The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien expresses to the reader why the men went to the war and continued to fight it. In the first chapter, “The Things They Carried,” O’Brien states “It was not courage, exactly; the object was not valor. Rather they were too frightened to be cowards.” The soldiers went to war not because they were courageous and ready to fight, but because they felt the need to go. They were afraid and coped with their lack of courage by telling stories (to themselves or aloud) and applied humor to the situations they encountered. The men who served in the Vietnam War were just barely men. Some of them just hitting the age of twenty. It was the draft, which involuntarily brought these boys into the fight, to fight a war which they saw no meaning in. Many of these boys are the sons of veterans who fought in World War II, who came home to parades and were held up like heroes for fighting. Honorary men of the country and the soldiers fighting in Vietnam did not want to disappoint them. Thus, when O’Brien mentions in the quote, valor was not the point, he is trying to explain to the reader that the men went as if it was a job they had to do, not a random act of courage that willed them to proceed. The draft pulled them into it. They did not want to dishonor their fathers, …show more content…

O’Brien goes into detail of the emotions of the men in such instances. In “The Things They Carried,” they were sobbing, crying for it to stop, checking their bodies for wounds and even feeling ashamed of these feelings when fire is ceased. They were scared to fight, none of them wanted to get hurt and lose their lives, but they could not show that. A strong, honorable man, by society, should not be scared, they should have the valor O’Brien says none of them have. They feared being ridiculed for being shameful. To push their lack of courage under the rug, they made jokes about it such as, “Roger-dodger, almost cut me a new

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