
The Taser as a Less Lethal Force Alternative: Findings on Use and Effectiveness in a Large Metropolitan Police Agency

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Brief White, M. D., & Ready, J. (2007). The TASER as a less lethal force alternative: Findings on use and effectiveness in a large metropolitan police agency. Police Quarterly, 10(2), 170-191. 1. What is the intervention being evaluated? What is the hypothesis for the intervention, and what theories or empirical research is used to support that initial hypothesis? The intervention being evaluated is the TASER. Police agencies have increasingly relied on the TASER to incapacitate combative or violent suspects who may be resistant to lesser degrees of force. Despite their adoption by more than 8,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States, there is little empirical research examining the use of these stun guns by police officers. Like many other innovations in policing, researchers have failed to keep pace with the diffusion of this rapidly spreading technology (p. 170). Advocates of the TASER contend that this technology has saved lives in situations where other less lethal methods are ineffective and lethal force may be justified and that their continued use is warranted (p. 171). 2. What data and method does the author use to evaluate this intervention? Why was that data and method used? Source of data All reported cases of the use of the TASER by department personnel in a large metropolitan department for a 3-year period (2002 to 2004; N = 243) (p.177). The data are taken from the "TASER/Stun Device" report, which must be completed each time an officer uses

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