
The Scopes Monkey Trial

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Ever since science began to explain the previously unexplainable, it has caused conflicts with religion. The Scopes “Monkey” Trial of Dayton, Tennessee was one of the most talked about trials in history because it was one of the first and most publicized times that this conflict occurred. The trial showed the schism between the faithful fundamentalists and the newly formed group of evolutionists. Although the jury was reminded that they only had to decide if Scopes had broken the law, the verdict was seen as much more than that. For one of the first times in history, it seemed as if the jury had to choose either religion or evolution. For the time being, there could not be both. The Scopes “Monkey” Trial revealed the ongoing conflict with …show more content…

That May, the American Civil Liberties Union put an ad in the newspaper looking for a teacher to challenge the law. John Scopes was asked to volunteer, and he agreed. The trial involved attorneys William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow and lasted over a week, the courtroom constantly overflowing with people and the witness examinations including many heated debates. (Adams) The case, meant to decide if Scopes broke the law, diverged from its original intention as the witnesses began to speak about the constitutionality of the law, questioning the legitimacy of the Bible. One of the most well known of these examinations was the questioning of Bryan by Darrow about the book of Genesis. “After initially contending, ‘Everything in the Bible should be accepted as it is given there,’ Bryan finally conceded that the words of the Bible should not always be taken literally” (UMKC School of Law). The final decision stated that Scopes was guilty of breaking the law and was fined $100. While this was seen as a win for fundamentalists, it was not the end of the battle. “In retrospect… Scopes forged a temporary break, not a full-scale retreat, in the fundamentalist assault on modernist thought” (Gillon 171).
Starting with the Scopes Trial, many more cases have occurred concerning the teaching of evolution. “By 1928 every southern state except Virginia had debated or was considering legislation banning the teaching of evolution in the

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