
The Olympics : Is It Worth Hosting?

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The Olympics: Is it worth hosting?
Every four years a different country hosts the Olympics. Every two years its either the Winter or Summer Olympics. It is two thousand sixteen and in August, everybody eyes are going to be glued to their televisions when Rio host the two thousand sixteen Summer Olympics in Brazil. Many cities around the world put bids in advance to hold the Olympics. The Olympics are a big deal and you have to have the resources to host it. You need to have facilities for the sports, transportation, Olympics villages for the athletes to stay, a stadium for the opening and closing ceremonies, and most of all money. Cities tend to lose money when hosting the Olympics. Sometimes the facilities they use get abandon and are never used again. They are many reasons for a city to host the Olympics, but there are three reasons to not. Reasons for not hosting it because it is expensive, there no guarantee of profits or increase tourism in the host city, and to many buildings being left abandoned There Olympics games are really expensive. When a city is hosting the Olympics, they tend to go all out for the opening ceremonies and facilities, going over their budget. If the city is going to go over budget, they should that they could make the money back. A perfect example of that is the two thousand four Summer Olympics held in Athens, Greece. Greece was only going to spend four point six billion dollars as that was their official costs. But the prices rose up as

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