
The Issue Of Hate Crimes

Decent Essays

Rashawn Augustin
Soc 308

One of the major problems that we are facing in the world are hate crimes. Despite this being a major issues, there appears to be no solution in sight to put a stop to hate crimes. For this paper I chose to focus on hate crimes I can gain more knowledge about this topic and because it 's something that I have personally experienced. Throughout U.S. history, a significant proportion of all murders, assaults, and acts of vandalism have been fueled by hatred. As Native Americans have been described as the first hate crime victims, members of all immigrant groups have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, and violence.
When people think of hate crimes they often mention the KKK and African Americans or Hitler and Jewish people. To be exact, a hate crime is known to us a bias motivated crime which is usually motivated by race, religion, sexuality etc that typically involves violent acts. There are various forms of hate crimes that occur throughout the world. A few examples of this are racist hate crimes, homophobic hate crimes, religious hate crimes, transgender hate crimes, and even disability hate crimes. Every hour, a crime motivated by the perpetrator’s bias against the victim occurs in the United States. These hate crimes terrorize whole communities by making members of certain classes - whether racial minorities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, religious minorities or people who are perceived to be members of

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