
The Importance Of Hygiene

Decent Essays

Gerson Guzman
Period 1

Final Draft

In today's society Hygiene is one of our most important habits for humans, but we don't know how the standards of cleaning became to exist today in different cultures. The subconscious of cleanliness has been with us since the beginning of the first foreign invader. Hygiene is represented in different ways by different cultures in a way that hygiene has become one of their most important practices. Every culture has their own sense of hygiene. In modern days we can see that if someone has a bad odor then another person they can be very delicate about it, but to other people it may not. They might see it as something normal. Hygiene is mainly important to most people of having good hygiene, keeping your body clean so it can stop you from having some bad illness or even bad odors. The discovery of knowledge about diseases, technological assessments, and pharmacology has far improved the knowledge of how to help people incorporate healthcare advances into their daily lives. Encouragement to get involved in healthy behaviors was not always implemented to the community back in the medieval era where the firsts improvements of hygiene started. Having good hygiene can prevent you from many things then you least expect to happen. Many people don’t really know what they can get from not keeping their body clean. Some schools take their time to teach the young students about having good hygiene.

Eliza Knight a best selling author in she shared a blog on her award winning blog history undressed about the evolving ideas of hygiene, In which they have influenced people to improve and prevent different types of illness , infections, bacterial infection, and viruses from the lack of hygiene. Throughout many classicals civilizations hygiene was never implemented in their daily basis activities and for this reason the majority of the people suffered skin infections, diarrhea caused by dirty food, polio, and infectious hepatitis. Later on christianity introduced the idea that having a good health required people to bath’s more regularly, wash hands regularly and especially before handling food, keeping hair short or removing hair, wearing clean clothing, and brushing one’s

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