
The Impact Of The Market Revolution On Women From 1800 To 1850

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Within the period 1800-1850 America underwent a huge market revolution that gave way to many reforms, and caused important historical events. These reforms led to an increase of activity from women, and a greater respect towards women. Whether it was an intensified role in production or restoring religion, women benefited from the market revolution as well as its products. Prior to this industrialization, women were rarely recognized. They had no rights. They were unable to vote and their husbands inherited their land through marriage. Although still without these rights, wealthy white women were held to a higher standard. They were referred to as “republican mothers”, which recognized their hard work and the importance of a mother's impact on her sons. This prestigious title opened up more education opportunities for women. Overall looking at what was expected of women, one can conclude that it was not very much. Their main duties resided in housekeeping, cooking, and raising their children. Society emphasized the importance of the women staying at home in order to better the lives of their sons (who would leave the home). Prior to the Market …show more content…

Transportation was revolutionized along with immigration, expansion, and regional specialization. A shift from homemade goods to goods produced by factories opened up job opportunities for women. Some women became “factory girls” working in grueling conditions for little pay. Although factory/mill conditions were unpleasant, women were able to support themselves if they pleased. Factory work became extremely popular among women as traditional work in the house was devalued. The Market Revolution connected all parts of America though trade among transportation, and was made successful by the production of goods to be traded. The market revolution was an economic turning point that greatly benefited the lives of women by expanding their

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