
The Four Types Of Persuasion

Decent Essays

Today, one can see the tactic of persuasion being used as a standard avenue to influence a person’s attitude or beliefs by presenting them with different messages that encourage things like using certain brand name products, vote a certain way, or where to take a vacation just to name a few. There are four types of people that include gullible people, skeptical people, firm believers, and people who are leaders who trust others as well as make others follow their ideas. Persuasion is a widespread topic of social psychology and may be done in different ways. There are two types of cognitive processes by which to persuade someone, which are the central route or the peripheral route. For this assignment I used mostly the central route approach as well as using a little of the peripheral route approach. To reinforce the peripheral route approach the use of pathos was also used during the video to play on the emotions of the watcher. This PowerPoint is effective at using the central route of persuasion, peripheral …show more content…

This type of persuasion occurs when someone evaluates the message based on surface-level characteristics. This method is known as the heuristic persuasion and is leveraged by appeals to one’s habit or emotions. For example, if someone is watching an a tv ad for men’s cologne the advertisers are hoping that people would be more convinced by things like physical attractiveness or music played in the background. People tend to take this route when their understanding of the content is low, or they just aren’t interested in the topic. For this reason, this route doesn’t engage systematic thinking of the individual which allows them to make a quick decision based on heuristics or incidental cues. As a result, using pathos along with the peripheral route is a significant maneuver to help to engage one’s emotions more

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