
The Field Of Human Services

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The field of Human Services is strictly abroad. Human services approaches the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems. The Human Services profession provides many different types of helps; it could either be educational, psychiatric, and even financial if needed. There are many different fields when it comes to this profession. From education to a community planner, all these have to do with human services and helping people in need. Human services are mostly needed in low income areas do to people in need. Poverty calls for this types of services, do to people needing psychological treatment, education, community and many more. In this field it is very important that workers know how to handle their workers. As a professional in this job it is very common seeing outbreaks and different aggressive reactions towards workers and people around them. Workers required training in a new framework of skill that incorporates the profound changes shaping the field. During this thanksgiving break I met with Zurlay Rivera, a daycare provider back in Revere, MA. Being a business owner she supervises her 2 assistants and she makes sure all is running well with the kids. Ms. Rivera is sponsored also sponsored by Child development. Child development and education is the largest child care system in Massachusetts. This company supports children’s learning, partners with families and it is a

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