
The Embargo Act Of The United States Essay

Decent Essays

across 6 states, allowing the nation to be tied together and to be utilized for internal commerce. Later in Jefferson’s term he set a law that potentially was one of the worst notions during his presidency. In 1807 the Embargo Act was placed with the purpose of attempting to prevent foreign tension with France and Britain by not allowing American ships to any foreign ports and eliminated international trade. “The embargo, however, backfired and brought greater economic hardship to the United States than Britain” (Newman and Schmalbach. 136). While Jefferson’s attempt to preserve the economy failed once he passed the Embargo Act, he later at least recognized his doings during his presidency that it must be repealed. The embargo eventually got repealed in 1809, during James Madison’s term.

Not all presidents were able to sustain the economy that Washington built. Rather than maintaining its success they damaged it. Beginning with Monroe’s presidency in 1816 the economy began to be based on Henry Clay’s American System. Similar to Hamilton’s Financial Plan, Clay’s system consisted of three parts including: “(1) Protective tariffs, (2) a national bank, and (3) internal improvements” (Newman and Schmalbach.152). While Monroe took the idea of a national bank and protective tariffs he did not provide funds for internal improvements. The first protective tariff of 1819 was passed in the beginning of Monroe’s presidency for the purpose of protecting new industries by placing high

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