
The Egyptian Revolution Essay example

Decent Essays

A. Background and UN Involvement Almost a year ago, Egypt broke into civil unrest when protesters flooded Tahrir Square, demanding the end of Hosnia Mubarak’s regime. Although Mubarak stepped down within two weeks, Egypt is worse off today than it was last January. The Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), which played a vital role in the January revolution, has now become a violent and oppressive force. On the twenty-ninth of December 2011, the SCAF raided seventeen Egyptian, German, and US run NGOs in search of proof of illegal foreign funding.1 In a statement (A/HRC/18/NGO/77) submitted by the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR), and the Center for Egyptian Women’s …show more content…

The Muslim Brotherhood played a major role in the January revolution and has boldly condemned the SCAF’s actions. The US, who has previously opposed the Muslim Brotherhood, has now tried to develop a friendship with the organization in anticipation of its power over Egypt. The UN has not taken a very strong stance in any of Egypt’s issues, most likely due to the currentness of the topic. The UN has however supported many other Arab Spring related revolutions by deploying the United Nations Support Mission In Libya and supporting human rights in Yemen.

B. Policy Germany’s stance on Egypt’s revolution is peaceful and supportive. Our Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said that he was concerned about violence and wanted all parties to remain peaceful. Germany highly supports freedom of expression and would like Egypt’s government to quickly adopt and implement freedom of expression laws. Because Egypt is a very important country, Germany believes that stabilizing it should be of utmost importance. Our Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle visited Egypt on 11 February 2011 and on 24 February 2011. Germany’s main goal and purpose towards the situation in Egypt is to ensure fair and uncorrupted democratization.5 Germany

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