
Essay on The Effects of Technology on Students

Decent Essays

The Effects of Technology on Students

Change is constant. Though one may not be able to see the change, one can look back through the course of a year or maybe even a few months and see the change. Technology has transformed with our culture. There are many benefits for students with the new advancements of technology. Teachers have seen many of these benefits with the influence of technology on their students. Many students find a sense of accomplishment when working with technology. Students are now more willing to write and work on computational skills (Estey). Then students find these tasks appealing and are able to achieve more. Another area that technology has impacted is the expansion of the learning …show more content…

There are many things needed to create an environment more conducive to learning for each student, some of which include:

• Vision with support and proactive leadership from the educational system.
• Educators skilled in the use of technology for learning.
• Content standards and curriculum resources.
• Student-centered approaches to learning.
• Assessment of the effectiveness of technology for learning.
• Access to contemporary technologies, software, and telecommunications networks.
• Technical assistance for maintaining and using technology resources.
• Community partners who provide expertise, support, and real-life interactions.
• Ongoing financial support for sustained technology use.
• Policies and standards supporting new learning environments.

Physical, human, financial, and policy aspects greatly affect the success of technology use in schools.

Also with the advancements of technology, students are able to communicate with their teachers outside of the classroom. Students are able to ask questions through e-mail, alleviating confusion in the class. Through e-mail, students can receive one-on-one attention he or she may not receive in class due to hesitation that may be caused by other students in the class.

Another benefit technology has on students is preparation for the workplace. Traditional

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