
The Effects Of Police Brutality On The Relationship

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Bad Blood:
The Effects of Police Brutality on the Relationship
Between Minorities and the Police
Brandon Seigle
June 16, 2017
CRJS 498
NC A&T University
..................Column Break..................As children we are taught that not only are police officers our friends, but that their job is to protect and serve our communities. Unfortunately, for many minorities this image is shattered as incident after incident occurs in the streets of their communities. With today’s technology, these incidents are now on broadcast all over social media and television. As minorities watch people that look like them be killed or injured by those sworn to protect them, admiration and appreciation soon turns into anger, aggression and …show more content…

As the use of these tactics continued, it became clear racial and ethnic minorities were stopped and questioned more often than non-minorities. This sanctioned use of racial profiling ended up finding its way into ordinary policing, not just drug busts. In fact, a California legislative report showed officers were going so far as to exclusively target Hispanic drivers.
History has shown that not only is police brutality and profiling nothing new—especially to minorities—but it is also a problem that is unlikely to go away. Some research hypothesized that due to the dynamics of our society, such as social and emotional variables, fighting police brutality is a losing battle. In their writing, Malcolm Holmes and Brad Smith (2017) concluded “the social circumstances that shape the emotional responses characteristic of police-minority interactions seem to make certain adverse outcomes inescapable, given the structure of inequality in America.” Police brutality and its relationship with minority communities has been the center of research beginning with the Wickersham Commission in 1931. (Ruffin, 2016) The Commission found officers routinely tortured and beat arrested citizens to obtain confessions. This regular practice had a negative effect on the opinion of law enforcement among minority communities.
What effect do these incidents have on the relationship between police and minority communities? With the use of profiling established as

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