
The Effect Of Chemical Reactions On The Rate Of Reaction

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A chemical reaction is the interaction of two or more chemicals that produces a new chemical compound, most reactions require an increase in temperature, pressure, surface area, concentration or the inclusion of a catalysts to speed up the rate of reaction. Chemical reactions can be found in everyday life, without many of us knowing. Either it be a soluble tablet in water, or photosynthesis in a plant. The prerequisites for a reaction are known as the 'Collision Theory '. As stated by M. Ferguson (2016), 'For a reaction to occur, particles must collide, with sufficient energy (also known as activation energy) in the correct orientation to break the existing bonds between the particles '. There are many factors that influence the rate of reaction, these include: an increase in, temperature, concentration, surface area (SA), pressure and a catalyst. When a gas, liquid or solid solution is heated, the molecules of that particular chemical gain kinetic energy, and thus move faster, allowing for more frequent and successful collisions. This allows for the product to be formed much faster than if the molecules had less kinetic energy. If the concentration of a solution has increased, there will be more molecules in the same volume, which allows for the molecules to collide more frequently. This process speeds up the rate of reaction more so, than if there were fewer molecules in the same volume. An increase in surface area of a solid substance allows for an increase in rate of

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