
The Dakota Access Pipeline

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For the past two years, The Dakota Access Pipeline has ignited fierce debate between environmental activists and energy advocates, spurring polarizing and confusing headlines. Cutting through four states from North Dakota to Illinois, the $3.7 billion project is threatening to affect the lives of many, and promising to bring unparalleled energy to the northcentral United States. But all these threats and promises, protests, and incidental reports on social media cloud the science behind each argument and separate the public from a true understanding of the source of contention: fracking.

Hydraulic Fracturing, or “Fracking,” was first developed and implemented in the 1950s under President Truman. The method of energy collection is constantly …show more content…

While oil and natural gas are fossil fuels that release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, these energy sources are cleaner than coal, which is on the decline as fracking expands. Indeed, coal production fell thirteen percent from 2007 to 2012, as did nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide production. Moreover, pipeline transportation of oil and natural gas is significantly safer than traditional freight methods, which have devastated many communities around the world and cost millions of dollars.

To environmental advocates and opponents of fracking, the process is more than dollars and cents. On a rudimentary level, the oil and natural gas produced via hydraulic fracturing are fossil fuels, and thus harmful to the environment in comparison to renewable, clean sources of energy such as solar and wind power. These renewable energy fields are likewise capable of bolstering American energy production and independence and creating high paying careers. Moreover, research suggests that fracking practices could cause serious methane leaks, canceling out the supposed reduction in greenhouse gas …show more content…

Some scientists are beginning to see a link between fracking and earthquakes, as evidence mounts for the role of fracking in water contamination as well as the negative health effects associated with living near a fracking well.

Despite legitimate concerns and fervent protest surrounding fracking, the future of this industry looks optimistic. President Trump supported the expansion of fracking throughout his campaign and presidency, and, moreover, has investments in several fracking giants, including Energy Access Partners, the company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline. With so many untapped natural resources in shale formations across the United States, we can only expect the rapid expansion of fracking to continue for the next four

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