
The Creation Of The United States Of America

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The creation of the United States of America is the greatest underdog story of all time. When the first settlers from England came to the Americas they considered themselves Englishmen and their mission was to establish their country in this new land. However, the people of the American colonies became more separated from their mother country as time went on. After several generations had passed many colonists no longer believed they were there to serve Great Britain. Since most colonist no longer felt loyal to Great Britain they resisted when parliament passed legislation and imposed taxes on them. The will to be free and govern oneself is simply human nature and is the reason all of Great Britain’s attempts to control the colonies ultimately failed. After Great Britain’s victory in the Seven Years’ War they were in a substantial amount of debt and needed to take action. Great Britain expected the colonists to cooperate and help pay for the war. However, Great Britain and the colonists did not see eye to eye. The first action taken by Great Britain was the Proclamation of 1763 which tried to limit westward expansion of the colonies. Next came the Sugar, Currency, and Stamp Acts which created even further friction between the colonists and Great Britain. Finally Great Britain implemented the Townshend program and soon after came the Tea Act, these final attempts to establish a dominant stance over the colonist were the actions that finally made the colonist revolt and led

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