
The Charter And Plantation Generations

Decent Essays

There has been many historians and theorists who have tackled colonial slavery. One of them is Ira Berlin whose book Many Thousands Gone is his take on slavery diversity in American history and how slavery is at the epicenter of economic production, amongst other things. He separates the book into three generations: charter, plantation and revolutionary, across four geographic areas: Chesapeake, New England, the Lower country and the lower Mississippi valley. In this paper, I will discuss the differences between the charter and plantation generations, the changes in work and living conditions, resistance, free blacks and changes in manumission. The charter and plantation generations happened over two different centuries and it begins with the arrival of Atlantic creoles in the Chesapeake. The date? The seventeenth century. During this time, creoles were engrossed in the Atlantic world and became familiar with English customs and ways of life. Berlin introduces us to the story of Anthony Johnson, a slave in Jamestown who had the benefits of farming independently, and was able to marry and baptize his children. He then later gained his freedom, became a farmer with his own slaves, sued his neighbor for sheltering a runaway and won his case in court. This is an example that Berlin uses to explore farming and economic practices and conditions within Virginia. During this time, Black slaves (who had English customs) and white indentured servants worked together on

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