
The American Diet

Decent Essays

The world’s dietary functionality differs from region to region, but a consensus remains constant; americans have an unfulfilling diet overall. In other countries the have their diet scheduled for three structured meals for each day, whereas americans eat whenever their minds tell them that they are hungry. The problem with the american way is when americans eat, they eat food that is filling to the brain but not to the stomach. Americans are always on the run, therefore there is not sufficient time to prepare a structured meals; instead americans rely on fast food. This method of nourishment comes with its own set of issues, food is of a lower quality than that of a home-cooked meal. Along with that comes poor beverage quality instituted …show more content…

In the united states especially healthy food is considered to be more baroque and therefore seemingly out of reach of the majority of the population. Foods that are mass produced and heavily processed for a longer shelf life are more commonly accessible for the majority of people, thus creating health issues. Even if the meat and vegetables were home grown it would take a lot of work and can be costly thus the downside to home grown meals. Modernly, most americans have such a disorganized schedule that they would never be able to make time for raising the animal or growing the vegetable anyway. A great way to provide food for the family that, yet many people believe to be inhumane, is very efficient for a healthy meal and is very good for the health of the wildlife population is hunting and fishing. Deer meat is very lean, especially when compared to beef, and it is naturally grown by itself so therefore there are no added steroids or supplements for growth, all the deer have is survival of the fittest. “In fact, as you can see by the graph below, grass-fed beef can have the same amount of fat as skinless chicken breast, wild deer, or elk. Research shows that lean beef actually lowers your "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.” (J. Animal Sci ) In the nation today all the healthy and nutritious foods are getting to be outrageous with the prices. “Families with average incomes are now struggling to provide foods that pack good nutrition as well. The price of fresh fruit

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