
The Altered State Of The American Mind Analysis

Decent Essays

Greetings The Altered State of the American Mind. After eight years of the Obama administration you will be hard-pressed to find 'anything' in the United States that has not become a target for alt-left politicization laced with anti-white innuendos. The marginalizing of whites seem to be at the top of the progressive agenda. A daily diet of being inundated with anti-America and racially based rhetoric has become the norm. And most disconcerting, it has become socially accepted by the acquiescing masses,The ever growing populace of dumbed-down citizens lacking a sense of self preservation. If you are still unconvinced that there is a concerted effort to take-down the american culture, then just keep observing the changes taking place …show more content…

Ask Yourself, who recently prompted the California State Government to go back to the 50's state regulations and strike out clauses on their books preventing Communists from holding political office. Why would they even bother with this? Lets move on to the NFL. It is another blatant example of the end result of "The Fundamental Transformation of America". Nothing is sacred, Professional Football has been politicized. Day one, Kaepernick does his little disrespectful protest thing. It was construed as anti-America with anti-white subtleties embedded. What was his original intent? A disgruntled display of dissent because of sub-standard performance he spent his time sitting-the-bench? Well the standard response prevailed and other black players and 'white guilt' participants followed suit. Several weeks passed and the reason of the protests changed several times. There seemed to be some confusion by the protestor's as to what they were actually protesting against. I guess as long as it was against something white they stood in line to get a piece of the action. The ever growing number of subversive groups use these type of incidents to influence public opinion to further their objectives. It is working for them. There is a time and place for legitimate protests. Professional sports is not the platform to use. The traditions surrounding professional sports transcends activism. This is a place where all fans regardless of color, creed, religion,

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