
Technology And Technology

Decent Essays

Over the past few years technology has advanced in many ways. There are many experts who believe new technology is a threat to our brains. While others argue that new technology offers many benefits to our brains like, “enhancing our intellect, creativity, and mental capacity.” In my opinion, I think new technology is and can be a threat to our brains because I believe technology is replacing our ability to write, and read books. Also, while others might disagree with my thoughts on new technology, I believe technology has become a threat to our brains because it has consumed and become a bigger part of our lives today. An example of this scenario, is the essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by author Nicholas Carr where he talks about how …show more content…

Further on, new technology has become a threat to our brains because it causes distractions. I personally have suffered from distractions on the Net while doing school work on it, and also while I use the Net to read. Some examples of distractions on the Net are advertisements, and getting carried away browsing other websites. Another reason why new technology has become a threat to our brains, is because we value efficiency over quality, which is detrimental both to our brains and quality of our work. For example, I have found out that while it is easier and quicker to acquire information on the Net, it is harder for our minds to process the information and our quality of work is sometimes poor. Another reason why the Net is a threat to our brains and detrimental to our mind is the essay “Does Texting Affect Writing?” by Michaela Cullington. In the essay, the author Michaela Cullington talks about and asks the question if texting is affecting our ability to write. One example of how texting can affect our writing is according to Cullington, “In order to more quickly type what they are trying to say, many people use abbreviations instead of words.” Michaela Cullington explains in this quote how texting can affect writing by talking about how people use abbreviations instead of words in order to text quicker. According to Michaela Cullington, “The language created by these abbreviations is called “textspeak”.” Also, according

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