
Summary Of Funds Of Knowledge And Teaching Other Peoples Children

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Summary of Funds of Knowledge and Teaching other Peoples Children

Two sets of opposing idealss

Education does not just take place in schools. Classrooms are places where many forms of discourses come together. Students and teachers with various forms of knowledge and ways of communicating interact together and unfortunately some ways of knowing and communicating hold more value than others. Sometimes researcher should stop looking at the bigger picture; capitalist economies and the true nature of society should become more of a focus in education research. You cannot hope to understand why students from lower socio economic areas do poorly compared to students whose parents are more affluent unless more is done to understand the prior. …show more content…

This has been called deficit theory. There has been much critique about this theory because it fails to bring into focus the influence of the school. Home and school are not separate entities when considering student success. They need to work symbiotically.

Schooling in Australia reproduces and exists to reproduce the structure of inequality we see in class and sex. Social stratification is endorsed by the secular, free and compulsory schooling that is provided in Australian society (Connell, et al., 1986). There is a lack of social mobility through education, especially in capitalist economies, this can be attributed to Government policy and how it tends to increase educational inequality rather than reduce it.

Private and government schooling in Australia look and sound differently from one another. The setting I will research is a public school but it has elements that are described by Connell, et al. (1986) as belonging to the private sector. While the government schools are noisy and messy the independent schools are quieter and have order. Connell, et al. (1986, p. 79) they describe the independent schools as having "grounds are carefully planted and cultivated and punctiliously clean". "All the kids wear uniform and all the uniforms are neat". In this research students from government schools found that the work got harder as they

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