
Summary: A Kind Of Market Revolution

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A kind of market revolution was also starting up during this pre war/wartime in the north. It was also something white southerners would fear. The market revolution was the process in which long distance commerce would start up and take over, contributed to by the transportation revolution with the creation of roads, railroads, canals, etc. This time was also a time of technological innovation and creation as well. The growth of cities is was allowed this kind of market revolution to occur, big cities becoming kind of the hub for markets. It was at this time when what used to be a sort of family farming, or farming just enough for yourself, turned into commercial farming or cash crops in this broad market. Because of the sales of crops, farmers who once lived a very, very simple life, would start to buy manufactured good instead of making things like clothes, candles, etc they were now just buying these things from stores already made. The marked revolution would end up changing many of the ideas at the time, the idea of individual rights, mobility, …show more content…

People from all over were leaving their country to come to America. People were always talking about how Americans were always moving, and always so full of hope. This again helped bring a lot of immigrants into America, many cities like New York and Boston were composed of around fifty percent immigrants. This large amount of people coming in was due to the transportation revolution which again, provided many trains and canals to get around. Manifest destiny is what helped to fuel the American imagination. It helped spread ideas about democracy, religion, liberty, etc. There was obviously going to be some people that weren’t as optimistic as others, people like Hawthorne would write stories or articles that were kind of against the whole optimistic thing going on at the

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