
Statement Of Purpose: Younglife

Decent Essays

First off, I know that the decision for whether or not to place me as a leader and is very dependent upon the fact that I am in a sorority. Although I know that this decision contains lots of prayer and many other variables, I wanted to quickly speak on behalf of Chi Omega’s influence on the decision process and reassure you all that YoungLife would most definitely be a priority over Chi Omega if I were to be placed. I strongly believe that God is calling me to be invested both on and off grounds and by being allowed to be in both, I believe that God could fulfill this. Additionally, I am most interested in leading with Capernaum and am not sure if there is an exception with this form of leading and being in Chi Omega since it is not as time …show more content…

Too often, I give only part of myself to Jesus and let my own school work, responsibilities, and “busyness” dictate and limit how I live out my life for Christ. But I so desperately want this to change. I want to give as much as I can to YoungLife as a way to thank the Lord for what He has given to me and show others His goodness. Although I realize that I cannot do this perfectly and will constantly fall short, I believe that being a leader would be an incredible opportunity disciple and serve others like He and so many people have done for me. In terms of receiving, I hope to strengthen my reliance and relationship with Christ. I understand that being a leader is by no means easy, but I also know that working at a YoungLife camp is spiritually and relationally rewarding as I depend less and less on my own strength and more and more on Him. I am certain that God could use and challenge me in this process to not only better understand Him and His purpose for my life, but also help me to develop relational wisdom and a greater heart to love and serve others as I see His hands working in my own life and the lives of …show more content…

Even if I am just one individual and one leader, I want to be partake in the privilege that God has given me to enter into his ministry. If being a Young Life leader is His calling for my life, then I want to respond and help other kids find what their souls have been searching for. God has showered with so many blessings on me, both in and outside of YoungLife, and I want to give my time, energy, and heart to YoungLife’s ministry and most importantly, God. Although I know that leading will be difficult and I will have to sacrifice much, I know that it is nothing compared to the sacrifice of Jesus. Although I cannot physically lay down my life for these kids, I want to offer a picture of how God laid down His life for me and the world. I do not want my time as a YoungLife leader to be about myself. Even though it will be difficulty to maintain this mentality, I want my time being a Young Life leader to be about those whom we are ministering to and most importantly, Christ. Even if I can offer just a glimpse of His sacrifice and love, I know that my time and service at Young Life will be significant and

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