
Stages Of Chronic Renal Failure

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End-stage renal disease is a permanent damage to the kidneys leading to need for dialysis on regular basis to maintain life and its quality (End- stage renal disease, 2013). According to National kidney foundation (2013), the number of ESRD patients in United States which are under treatment are approximately 615,000, out of which 430, 000 are being treated with dialysis more than 185, 000 have successful renal transplant. The data also indicates that there has been 57 % increase in the number of patients diagnosed with renal failure. The rate of disease can be calculated on the basis of number of patients per one million general population and adjusted on the basis of age, gender and sex. In 2008, the data indicates that the adjusted rate of ESRD patients was 351 per million general population and the highest adjusted rate was detected in Ohio valley, Texas, California, and southwestern states (2010 Atlas of end- stage renal disease in United States).
The five stages of Chronic Renal Failure (CKD) are as follows:
Stages of Chronic Renal failure
Stage-1 GFR > 90 ml/min/ 1.73 mm3 Normal or decreased GFR
Stage-2 GFR 60-89 ml/min/ 1.73 mm3 Mild decrease in GFR
Stage-3 GFR 30-53 ml/min/ 1.73 mm3 Moderately decreased GFR
Stage-4 GFR 15-29 ml/min/ 1.73 mm3 Severe decrease in GFR
Stage-5 GFR < 15 ml/min/ 1.73 mm3 Kidney failure (NKF KDOQI guidelines, 2002) As per the NKF (National

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