
Social Media 's Influence On Education

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Social Media Through Time: Over 75% of all internet users use social media today. Eleven years ago, only 7% of American adults used social media sites. Social media is a type of online communication used to create, share, or exchange information available to anyone.Today, social media affects our lives in many ways; sometimes without us knowing. Social media sites affect education, society, relationships, advertising, job professions, etc. However, it’s not always for the best. Evolution of Social Media: Social media has come a long way from connecting real world friends. Everyday day social media continues to add more users. Social media didn’t get started until the early 2000’s. Some call it the go,fern era of social media. At that time over 100 million people had access to the Internet. The first social media site was Friendster, a social gaming site released in 2002. After that, many other sites were created such as LinkdIn, MySpace, and still popular today, Facebook. It wasn’t until 2006 when social media took off. Facebook had gained 12 million active users. Facebook is a social networking website that allows people to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with family and friends. As of early 2015, Facebook had accumulated 1.44 billion users. More recent social media sites include, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and Vine. Twitter, the second most used social media site, allows users to post short 140-character

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