
Social Media Rhetorical Analysis

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B. Subpoint-Social media platforms create misinformed individuals 1. Denis-Marie Ordway in a 2017 article, “Fake News and the Spread of Misinformation,” attempts to give readers some sense as to how much misinformation is spread. She states that, “A December 2016 survey by the Pew Research Center suggests that 23 percent of U.S. adults have shared fake news, knowingly or unknowingly, with friends and others” TRANSITION: News is constantly available to read, however what individuals see and share becomes things that are not completely accurate. Then judgments are made based on that false information, and misinformed individuals. 2. “Users appear to be less capable of distinguishing true from false rumors… in fact, we show that the prevalent …show more content…

More specifically bullying is made much easier through social media as well as on a much larger scale. 20-40% of children and adolescents have been victims of cyber bullying (Aboujaoude 2015). Transition: Thank you Megan, and now we will hear Morgan’s main points regarding her opposing view that social media provides many benefits. II. Speaker 2 Main Points A. Subpoint-Social media platforms allow for an increase in communication skills 1. Cited by Shari Veil, in her 2011 article, “Incorporating Social Media in Risk and Crisis Communication,” “Social media is at its core human communication, possessing characteristics of participation, openness, conversation, community, and connectedness.” This demonstrates how integral social media has become in our daily communication. TRANSITION: Having social media as an option for communication, only further enhances an individual's skills in communicating. 2. Shari Veil additionally in her article states, “social media websites attract millions of users, many of whom integrate the sites into their daily lives and business practices…social media allows users to connect with peers by adding them to networks of friends, which facilitates communication, particularly among peer …show more content…

“Social media makes the community part of the actual crisis communication response. For example…Twitter was used to quickly share initial information and updates during the 2007 and 2008 California wildfires, 2008 Mumbai massacre, 2009 crash of US Airways Flight 1549, 2010 Haiti earthquake, and 2011 Tunisian uprising.” This information, again in Veil’s 2011 article, reinforces the idea of how social media communication is highly beneficial and furthers an individual’s ability to remain informed on current events. C. Subpoint-Social media platforms can be a strong tool to encourage major changes in the world. 1. During the 2011 Egypt uprising protesters gained support through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to help end poverty and unemployment in which they were experiencing at the time. This major flow of support from across the world helped strengthen the protesters cause and led to an eventual victory in Egypt (Brym 2014). 2. In Kenya, 200, after a controversial election violence broke out where over 1,000 people were killed. During this crisis there was a broadcast ban, which prevented news from being spread about the violence in Kenya. The Kenyan citizens turned to social media sites like Facebook to express their opinions and share with others the violence in Kenya. More and more citizens used social media to express their grievances in a safer way online instead of on the streets where people were being killed (Makinen

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