
Small Change Analysis

Decent Essays

Following suit with the chapter I neither agree nor do I disagree with the extremes of the topic at hand. To say that technology holds no value and only presents problems for those who use it, is being close minded to the potential value that technology holds for us. On the other hand, saying that the use of the technology holds no back lash or consequence is acting in a naive manor towards the situation. There are faults with both but there is also a lot of truth to both. In my experience the use of technology in too high of a quantity can often lead to self absorption and disconnect throughout a society. In the article, "Small Change" by Malcolm Gladwell, he states that "The platforms of social media are built around weak ties. Twitter is …show more content…

This attention seeking nature, this focus on people, whom we will never form bonds, with instead of focusing on those who care about us, people that would give anything to make us happy, the people we have strong ties with; that is what we need to focus on. But, what if we did meet these people? What if these people that we have "weak ties" ties with really do care about our well being. Zeynep Tufekci, in her Ted Talk, "Online social change: easy to organize, hard to win" challenges Gladwell directly with her own experiences and knowledge of human nature. "It's also not true, as Malcolm Gladwell claimed, that today's protesters form weaker virtual ties. No, they come to these protests, just like before, with their friends, existing networks, and sometimes they do make new friends for life. I still see the friends that I made in those Zapatista-convened global protests more than a decade ago, and the bonds between strangers are not worthless. When I got tear-gassed in Gezi, people I didn't know helped me and one another instead of running

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